Friday, August 3, 2012
Clear as MUD! (Obama Invited to Alfred Smith Dinner by Archdiocese of New York)
From Michael Voris of ChurchMilitantTV:
Hello everyone and welcome to The Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
What’s the problem? What’s the problem with the various levels of leadership in the Church in the United States these days? Clearly something flat out stinks .. and those in charge look the other way.
The issue is this. While certain bishops tromp up and down the nation preaching and speeching about the desperate need for Catholic identity .. admitting the failures of the past in presenting the faith clearly .. at the end of the day .. THEY DON’T DO a blessed thing about it!
And more to the point .. they actually DO DO things that that send clear signals of mass confusion to the faithful. Need an example .. the annual Alfred Smith dinner in New York.
A fundraiser for the Church .. various politicians are invited for a night of lampooning.
Each presidential election year .. generally the major party candidates are invited as well.
Not every time .. but most.
So this year .. right in the middle of a lawsuit over OBAMAcare .. who does he sponsoring Archdiocese of New York invite other than the mastermind of Obamacare himself .. Obama.
Imagine the photo op that will make. Cardinal Dolan shaking hands with Obama .. each all smiles and happy faces. Wanna take a guess at the caption?
And talk about an awkward moment. What on earth do two bitter legal adversaries say to each other .. one proposing himself to be the defender of religious liberty and the other the destroyer of them.
“Hey Mr. President nice to see you again. Get ready for a beat down in court next week.”
What makes this photo op even more weird is that it happened because the Archdiocese of New York MADE it happen. It didn’t have to come close to being a reality.
Imagine .. 83 bishops protest Obama’s appearance at Notre Dame back in 2009. A massive internet protest petition is organized and hundreds of thousands of Catholic laity sign it.
They don’t want Obama being recognized because of his virulent culture of death political poison. AND THEN .. out of the blue .. he turns up at a Catholic fundraiser dinner at the invitation of the most recognized Cardinal in America.
JUST HOW EXACTLY is that picture that will be splashed across millions of headlines
and internet pages be interpreted by the tens of millions of people who see it?
The only logical way it could .. which is .. well .. this whole Obamacare birth control thing can’t possibly be THAT BAD a problem.
And when Obama stands up to make his jokes .. what exactly does he say to a room packed with people who disagree with him on child-killing .. what does he say .. “a funny thing happened on the way to Supreme Court today”?
There is a never ending stream of this “say one thing, do another” approach. It never ends. Bishops freely disregard canon law about giving holy Communion to pro-abort, pro-same sex marriage catholic politicians.
They allow dissdent nuns and university professors and homosexual clergy to run hog wild all over the faithful.
Their precious SO-CALLED social justice initiatives have been for decades little else than a thinly-veiled disguise for pushing every modernist progressive agenda that came across their desks .. all in the name of fighting poverty.
Now the latest dustup with the Catholic Relief Services scandal where 5 million dollars was given to CARE .. an international organization which promotes contraception. CRS quickly rolled out their hair-splitting argument that .. CARE also does nice things and the money is never used for bad things and we never do anything against Church teaching.
Turns out .. yes they do .. and they do in SPADES. CRS is a dues paying member of a group called CORE which actively promotes and pushes family planning contraception programs all over the world. We’ve attached relevant links to the story.
You heard right! They just don’t pay dues to the group .. give Catholic money to it ..
As such .. they MORE than just sit on the board .. they actually OVERSEE programs supporting the culture of Death.
More than that .. they actually have INPUT in the programs .. thats right .. CATHOLIC Relief Services personnel .. sitting on the board of an outside group .. directing and delivering input into programs DIRECTLY opposed to Catholic Church teaching.
This type of rotten behavior has been going on for decades inside the Church in America .. from the top down and its revolting.
Remember that the Bishops Conference funded ACORN .. the community organizing group that was eventually busted up because by the feds .. but not before millions of Catholic dollars had been funneled to it .. again .. all under the name of fighting poverty.
And the song and dance press releases and speeches that come out in defense of this garbage .. with all their nuanced hair-splitting, double speak is even more revolting .. its down right disgusting.
It’s high time those in charge make a clear definitive statement one way or the other .. are you with the Church or are you not? And if you are .. it’s time to get a great big broom ..
the one you’ve been using against concerned faithful Catholic laity for years .. and clean out your liberal offices from their modernist progressive staffs.
And .. please spare us all the speeches and books and articles and interviews and the PR media blitz about how we have to reclaim Catholic identity and fight the anti-catholic forces in the world.
You got enough anti-Catholic forces in the Church.
GOD Love you,
I’m Michael Voris
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