Friday, June 4, 2010

Bacon Maple Donut


belinda said...

I never ever mix my pastry group with my meat group nor my vegetable group with my fruit group. For example I'd never eat a lettuce salad with strawberries but I'd eat both individually. Everything I eat has to be seperated for the most part and simple. Let's say there's a pot luck dinner, I probably wouldn't eat most of what other people would bring for various reasons but not because I'm a snob. Don't forget you have to factor in a cootie count too which makes me a blast to live with. WWJE?

My word verification is choology. See God is funny too.

swissmiss said...

I would have to agree with Belinda...keep it separated! Taking the kids out to get a doughnut (maple maybe?) before hitting some garage sales.

belinda said...

Dear Miss swiss, your words warm my heart. I hit the yard sales hard this morning. I'm always amazed at how Good God is. When we need something he sends it and then some and with 8 kids the need list goes on and on. If it weren't for his constant care and divine providence I'd have to leave my children and get a job (that pay's -I already have a job)

I needed a projection screen for a birthday party I'm having for my blog administrator tomorrow and I found one for 50c and some cake plates from the 1950's/60's and a coat for my daughter for a dollar and it's a vintage coat so that means it's well made. If it wasn't for my dependence upon Gods generosity (and mercy) I wouldn't know how much he loves me ....