By Deacon Keith Fournier
"I am in a dialogue with Archbishop Irl A. Gladfelter, CSP, the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Anglo-Lutheran Catholic Church, a group of Lutherans who have embraced the Catholic Catechism and the teaching of the Magisterium. They are humbly knocking at the door of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith seeking a way into full communion. You can read about this amazing group here. I am working on a fuller story of their journey. Some have said that their smallness and placement on "the fringes" of the Lutheran community makes them less representative. I recall that those were the same comments made about the "Traditional Anglican Communion" in their early efforts. They became the prophetic vehicle the Holy Spirit used to open up an historic breakthrough...."
Wouldn't it be loverly?!! But then what would my in-laws and I talk about around the campfire if we were finally all Catholic? Hard to imagine a weekend with no inter-faith drama ;)
Dear Miss Swiss, I thought interfaith drama was something I just did to annoy other people and family members. You know like a personality defect - like a nervous tick. It's something I've been participating in as an extracurricular sport for years.
That's why I have few friends. hahahaha
New campfire topic- marshmellows and Jiffy Pop popcorn.
Dear Belinda,
Interfaith decathalon with Lutherans, is like a pro team scrimmaging a high school team.
If the Lutherans swim the Tiber, we just all make friends with Jehova's Witnesses, or Mormons.
Now that is sport.
Dear Mr.Joe, I'm relentless and I play the game like I mean it.
I prayed for the intentions of our Pope at the grave site of my Lutheran great, great grandparents and their children next to their church. I also prayed for their souls. I received in return an instant flat tire.. in a cemetery... in the heat...300 miles from my home on a Sunday afternoon. Sparing can be fun aye?
You seem to have some playful deceased family members! All my in-laws who are Lutheran are pretty much still alive (except for hubby's one branch of really anti-Catholic Lutherans). A generation back they were Catholic, so I pray for them, but also put them on the spot to help me out with their offspring.
Joe: I'd welcome some support at the campfire ;)
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