(Mail Online) Astonishing unseen photographs of the aftermath of the Titanic disaster have emerged after 99 years.
The black and white pictures show an iceberg at the site of the tragedy - and may even be the one that sunk the luxury liner.
Another image shows two lifeboats packed full of survivors rowing for safety following the 1912 disaster in which 1,517 people died.

Survivors from the Titanic are pictured here rowing towards rescue ship the Carpathia in what appear to be relatively calm seas

Danger ahead: Taken from a rescue vessel, this photograph shows an iceberg in the distance - perhaps even the one that sank the luxury liner

The archive of letters and photographs are owned by the family of survivors John and Nelle Snyder, who were returning from their honeymoon when the tragedy struck. The pair are pictured here in the clothes they escaped in
It was written by first class passenger John Snyder who was returning to America on the doomed liner with his new bride Nelle from their honeymoon.
He described how they were woken following the 'bump' and that he owed his life to his wife who made him see what was going on even though he wanted to go back to bed.
He explained how they were almost the first people in the life boat because others thought it safer to stay on the 'big boat'.
The archive of photos and letters have remained in the Snyder family all this time but have now emerged for sale at auction.
The incredible photos were taken from the deck of the Carpathia, the first ship that arrived at the disaster scene and picked up survivors on the morning of April 15, 1912.
Another rescue ship - the SS Californian - can been seen in the background after she finally arrived at the scene having at first ignored the Titanic's distress rockets.
There is also a picture of the Snyders shortly after they reached land and they are still wearing the clothes they were rescued in.
A press report at the time suggested that before the Titanic sank someone on deck shouted 'put in the brides and grooms first' and that was why the Snyders were saved.
But in his letter to his father dated April 24 Mr Snyder makes no mention of it, but his account reveals the confusion.

Rescue: The SS California is pictured at the scene, having initially ignored the Titanic's distress rockets
Dubbed the 'unsinkable' ship, the Titanic famously struck an iceberg and sank in under three hours on April 15, 1912. Of the 2,224 on board, 1,517 passengers and crew perished.
It lay unseen on the ocean floor for decades, until 1985, when an American-French expedition identified its final resting place 329 miles south-east of Newfoundland.
The wreck, which was split into two sections 2,000ft apart, has now been the focus of research by scientists and historians for 25 years.
It lay unseen on the ocean floor for decades, until 1985, when an American-French expedition identified its final resting place 329 miles south-east of Newfoundland.
The wreck, which was split into two sections 2,000ft apart, has now been the focus of research by scientists and historians for 25 years.
'If it hadn't been for Nelle I am sure that I never would be here now. She is the one that urged me to get up when I wanted to go back to bed.
'We were both asleep when the boat hit. I don't know whether the bump woke me up or I woke when Nelle spoke to me.
'At any rate she made me get up and go out to the companionway to see what was going on - I went out three times before deciding to get up and get dressed.
'When we reached the top deck only a few people were about and we all were told to go down and put on some life belts - we did it, thinking it was only a precaution.
'When we got back on the top deck again we saw they were getting the life boats ready - as soon as they were ready they told the people to get into them.
'Nearly every body stepped back from in front of us and as a result we were almost the very first people placed in the life boat.

Doomed: The 'unsinkable' Titanic setting sail from Southampton in 1912
'When we had moved some distance away from the Titanic we realised - by looking at the bow seeing the different rows of port holes getting less and less from three rows - then two rows and finally the bow went under - that the finest boat in the world was doomed - we hit between 11.40 and 11.50 and the Titanic sunk at 2.22 in the morning.'
The items are being sold by Philip Weiss auctions in New York and are expected to fetch over £50,000.
Mr Weiss said: 'The initial items came from John and Nelle Snyder who were saved and over the years the family has added to the archive.
'There are some remarkable letters and photographs that have always been with the family and never been to market before.
'There is a photograph showing the couple still wearing the clothes they had on when they were saved.

Watery grave: The bow of the Titanic at rest on the bottom of the North Atlantic, about 400 miles south east of Newfoundland
'The pictures appear to have been taken from the Carpathia, which picked up the couple.
'One picture includes an iceberg - it could even be the one that sunk the Titanic.
'There is also letter written by Mr Snyder just four days before the sinking and in it he thanks a tobacconist for his cigars that he is smoking.
'I don't think he ever sent it because it was still with him.
'Another letter that has never been seen describes the sinking and it tells how both were asleep when the ship struck the iceberg.
'There is also a letter from Mr Snyder's father that describes the worry that the family had and how news filtered back to them.'
Mr Snyder was aged 24 at the time of the sinking and his wife Nelle was 23 and they had boarded the Titanic at Southampton.
Mr Snyder died in 1959 aged 71 from a heart attack on a golf course. He and Nelle lived in Minneapolis where he ran a automotive firm.
Nelle died in 1983 age 94 and the couple had three children.
The auction takes place on October 21.
Isadore Straus: The elderly couple drowned side by side in the disaster after Ida refused a place on a lifeboat to remain with her husband
Ida and Isidore Straus drowned side by side after Mrs Straus refused a place on a lifeboat to remain with her husband - a scene iconically depicted in the 1997 Titanic film.
The deck plans were only handed out to the 324 first class passengers when they arrived on the ship in Southampton on April 10, 1912.
It is believed only three of them from the ship exist today, with two in private collections and this one now on the open market. Witness accounts stated the plan's owners sat on deckchairs and held hands until they were washed into the sea as the Titanic sank.
In the Hollywood blockbuster, starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio, artistic licence was used to show the devoted couple cuddling up together on their bed. In the emotive scene, Mr Straus gives his wife a kiss on the cheek while their stateroom floods.
The plan was in the possession of the Straus' maid Ellen Bird who survived the disaster in which 1,495 people were lost. She kept hold of the 41x29in document for the rest of her life and it has now been put up for auction by the current private owner.
Despite its age and fragile condition the delicate piece of tissue paper has remained in one piece over the last 99 years. It has been given a pre-sale estimate of between £40,000 to £50,000.
Andrew Aldridge, of auctioneers Henry Aldridge and Son of Devizes, Wilts, which is selling the plan said: 'This represents the zenith of collectables pertaining to Titanic.
'Isadore Straus was one of the wealthiest people on the ship and original material relating to his and his party's time on board Titanic is practically non-existant.
'To have something directly related to Straus which was on the ship is a collector's dream.
'The Straus' were barely featured in the 1997 movie apart from the very brief but very iconic shot of them lying in bed side by side just as the ship begins to sink.
'Looking at the condition of the deck plan, it must have been stored in a book and kept somewhere dark and out of sunlight.'
The deck plan, that folds down to a booklet, is headed 'White Star Line, Southampton-Cherbourg-New York Service, First Class Accommodation.'
The reverse shows the layout of the top five decks that made up the first class accommodation and facilities like the restaurants, swimming baths, gymnasium and squash courts.
Each room is numbered in red ink and the plan is incredibly detailed, marking out the beds, wash basins and wardrobes inside.
Different class: The pictures on the left of decks A and B show the opulence in which some stayed compared with those in the lower classes on decks C and D
Miss Bird's room was directly opposite the Straus' lavish stateroom numbered C55-57 which had its own bedroom and separate sitting room.
The plan also includes several printed photos of some of the onboard facilities as well as a list of them and directions and instructions for the passengers.
Mr Straus, 63, was a wealthy businessman who owned the Macey's department store in New York.
He and his family were returning to America on Titanic following a holiday in Europe.
Their 15-year-old granddaughter Beatrice holidayed with them but stayed on in Germany. After the 45,000 ton liner struck an iceberg at 11.40pm on April 14, in the north Atlantic many first class passengers were helped into lifeboats.
At first Mrs Straus, 63, joined Mrs Bird in lifeboat eight before getting out to be with her husband, reportedly saying: 'We have lived together for many years. Where you go, I go.'
Her body was never recovered unlike that of her husband. His last listed effects included black silk socks, gold watch, silver flask and £40 in notes. Miss Bird, who was from Old Buckingham, Norfolk, died in Rhose Island in 1949 aged 68. The auction takes place in Devizes on Saturday, October 29.