Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cain 29% Romney 29% Gingrich 10%

Thursday, October 13, 2011

(Rasmussen Reports) Following a Tuesday night debate focused on economic issues, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and businessman Herman Cain are tied in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is the only other candidate in double-digits. Republican voters think either frontrunner would be likely to defeat President Obama but most expect Romney to be the nominee.
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The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of 1,000 Likely Republican Primary voters shows Cain and Romney each attracting 29% of the vote while Gingrich is a distant third at 10%. Texas Governor Rick Perry was the frontrunner when he entered the race and has suffered through a series of poor debate performances while sliding to fourth place at nine percent (9%). (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Other candidates include Congressman Ron Paul who earns five percent (5%) and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann  who earns four percent (4%). Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman trail at two percent (2%)  each. Three percent (3%) would prefer some other candidate and seven percent (7%) are not sure.

In a two-way race, 43% would prefer Cain and 42% Romney. Cain leads Perry 54% to 29% in a two-man match and Romney leads Perry 54% to 30%....

1 comment:

Matt Swaim said...


sweet irony- my verification word is "caters."