Philadelphia Daily News - U.S. SEN. Barack Obama's critics have called his presidential campaign a cult of personality.
His glassy-eyed supporters are enraptured. The media are docile. Hollywood stars make music videos about him.
"There is something just a wee bit creepy about the mass messianism," Joe Klein of Time magazine has observed.
But we ask you, does the campaign poster on this page remind you of a totalitarian cult?
Wait, don't answer that.
The Soviet-style heroic Obama, the use of a single word "Hope," do make the SEPTA bus shelter posters a bit reminiscent of George Orwell's "1984."
Or, is it the 1990s? I seem to recall Bill Clinton's slogan was "Hope" (Man from Hope. There's always hope). I wonder how Obama feels about blue dresses and red berets? Hmmm...
It is very creepy.
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