by Alan Keyes
(WND) Recently I heard a friend of mine echo the sentiment former Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker expressed in an interview with WND:
“I would vote for the devil himself over Barack Obama.” People say
this to make clear how deeply they abhor Obama and all his works.
Sadly, for them and for America, their passionate hatred of Obama puts
them exactly where the devil wants them to be. The Father of Lies
chuckles with satisfaction. He gloats triumphantly at the fact that
their hatred of his appearance in one form has maneuvered them into
supporting his triumph in another.
I grieve deeply as I contemplate the fact that millions of Americans
are letting themselves be caught in this diabolical snare. As I tried
to point out in 2008, the lesser of evils is still evil. No matter how
such an election turns out, people content to choose between Satan and
Beelzebub have made clear their willingness to let things go to hell.
Moreover, the nature of their choice is so clear to them that they
practically boast of the passionate hatred that impels them to it. With
this practical boast they become the willing, proud accomplices of the
very evil they profess to hate.
I’m morally certain this is why Christ admonished his disciples to
make striving for God’s perfection the standard for their actions,
rather than their hatred of evil. He thought it better to fail reaching
for this standard than succeed by abandoning one’s life to the devil’s
dominion. He thought it better to fail in the world’s eyes while
commending one’s spirit to God (as he does on the cross) than succeed by
casting one’s lot with God’s adversary.
All this came to my mind this week as I read the excellent half-truths in David Limbaugh’s column on Obama’s intentional destruction of America. Some readers doubtless remember that I warned people of this destruction
on the heels of Obama’s putative inauguration. They are probably
wondering why I call them “half-truths.” The reason is simple. Then
as now I hold fast to the self-evident truths that are the foundation of
America’s constitutional republic. Starting in 2004 (when I accepted
the invitation of the Illinois GOP to run against him for a seat in the
U.S. Senate), the more I learned about Barack Obama the more clearly I
saw that throughout his life and especially in his political career he
has in word and deed demonstrated his rejection of those truths. On
account of that, I adamantly oppose him.
But I cannot ignore the fact that Obama’s abandonment of the
principles of the American Declaration of Independence is just an
instance of an apostasy now characteristic of elitist elements presently
in control of both of America’s so-called major political parties, as
well as important institutions in every other sector of America’s life.
In many articles over the past several years I have shared the facts and
reasoning that substantiate this conclusion. (See, for example, “Abandoning the Republic-a threat to Civil Peace” and the whole series of articles at my blog under the heading “Without Representation.”)
Recent events have confirmed it, from the GOP’s rigged choice of
stealth socialist Mitt Romney as their prospective nominee, to Chief
Justice John Roberts’ all too predictable hoisting of the
crypto-socialist “Jolly Roger.” (He abandoned reason, just principle and
the plain logic of constitutionally limited government to pen the
Supreme Court’s specious claim that the U.S. government is endowed, in
pirate fashion, with an inherently unlimited taxing power, unconstrained by Constitutional provisions.)
In light of this pervasive elite abandonment of the vision of
constitutional self-government essential to America’s national identity,
recognizing Obama’s intentionally destructive work admits only half
(and perhaps not the most fatal half) of the threat we face. On every
issue of fundamental importance to the future of the republic, Mitt
Romney did, as governor in Massachusetts, what, against strong and
intensifying opposition, Obama is still only struggling to do.
Logically, the only people who should support Romney are those who
embrace Obama’s goals, but resent Obama’s failure to achieve them. They
want to replace his clumsy, bluntly socialist incompetence with
Romney’s more engaging and sweetly deceptive method of attaining the
same end. Moreover, they know from past experience that they can count
on his GOP label to compel efforts from party-first GOP partisans to
defend and explain away President Romney’s pursuit of the elitist
socialist agenda. Thus his election will help to thwart and defuse the
strong opposition it would otherwise continue to arouse.
I know many people who adamantly oppose Obama because he is steering
us toward an elitist, totalitarian “island paradise” that lies well
within the shark-infested waters of hell. Yet they’ll vote to replace
him at the helm with someone whose only factual claim to prowess is a
record that promises a smoother voyage, through calmer seas, toward the
same destination. In what twisted realm of existential despair does
this make sense?
As I think on it, I realize why America’s founding generation refused
the path of atheistic delusion that misled the first French republic to
violence and ravenous Napoleonic tyranny. People who put their trust
in God need never accept the devil’s choice, fighting evil with evil.
Because the kingdom of God is within them, a better choice is always
near at hand. Many Americans pray and profess to believe that His
kingdom is near. But in their sovereign duty as citizens they now
propose to abandon their profession. It is what has made
self-government possible for them. It can do so again, even now, but
only if they remember it in time. As for the choice between Obama and
Romney, it’s the devil’s choice either way. Only evil can come of it.
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