Thursday, February 16, 2012

Medjugorje Commission to Present Final Report by End of 2012 - Rome, Feb. 14 - The commission appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to assess the authenticity 'of the alleged Marian apparitions at Mejugorje, led by Cardinal. Camillo Ruini, is expected to present its final report by the end of 2012. '' Later this year we want to finish our work and give our opinion to the Pope because 'expresses his judgment'' said Cardinal. Vinko Puljic, archbishop of Sarajevo and a member of the Committee, during the press conference of the Community Meeting for Peace 'of Sant'Egidio, which will take place' in Sarajevo in September. '' I can not talk about what the commission does, 'cause I'm bound to secrecy - said the cardinal -. Our work is still going on. This year, however, 'we must finish it.''

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