Bianca Laureano, an adjunct professor at the Sisters of Charity-founded College of Mount Saint Vincent, is a regular contributor at RHRealityCheck.com and creator of the explicit “sex positive” site LatinoSexuality.com.
The Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) blog reported last week that in a recent post, Laureano promoted a vitriolic tirade against the ‘Women Deserve Better’ campaign sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
In the video posted by Laureano, Sonya Renee Taylor passionately recites a poem against the campaign, fuming that “balding middle-aged white men tell us what to do with our bodies.”
“The Vatican won’t prosecute pedophile priests, but I decide I’m not ready for motherhood and it’s condemnation for me?” Taylor shouts. “Get the f*** out of our decisions!”
This is not the first time that Laureano’s blogging habits have been questioned. In March, CNS identified a blog post in which Laureano vouched for masturbation and prostitution, and also supported a Northwestern University psychology professor who made headlines after it was revealed he offered live sex demonstrations in the classroom.
“The students who chose to attend class were consenting adults. And don’t we, as sexual health professionals, educators, activist, focus on consent?” she asked. “I think so.”
In April, Laureano described how she incorporated a pornographic image of the Virgin Mary entitled “The Liberation of Mary” to explore a greater “sex-positivity” among Latinas during a presentation at the University of Maryland.
The professor reminds her readers in several posts that she teaches at a Catholic college; in addition, CNS observed that Laureano taught classes on human sexuality at the College of Mount Saint Vincent this summer, and is scheduled to teach two sociology courses next semester.
When the Cardinal Newman Society asked Mount Saint Vincent College President Charles Flynn to resolve the problem two months ago, said CNS’s Patrick Reilly, the president “replied but did not indicate any clear resolution.”
Reilly said CNS was later “shocked” to learn that Laureano has been slated for a class at the College in the Fall. “We will keep watch and hope that students are not led astray or put into danger because of false teachings,” he said.
Although Laureano’s posts appear to have slowed down, said Reilly, the scandal wouldn’t end with the blog.
“It would be great if she would stop posting for this website all together, but there are larger issues regarding what she has posted and what she teaches,” Reilly continued. “It would be a great relief to Catholic families if the College of Mount Saint Vincent would take appropriate action and demonstrate its commitment to a strong Catholic identity.”
LifeSiteNews did not hear back from the College of Mount Saint Vincent or from Laureano by press time.
LSN writer/editor Kathleen Gilbert contributed to this story.
College of Mount Saint Vincent:
6301 Riverdale Avenue
Riverdale, NY 10471
(718) 405-3267
(800) 665-2678
Charles Flynn, President
1 comment:
Traditional Roman Catholics are anethema in the Novus Ordo, she is a Princess among Princes of the Novus Ordo Church.
She will probably by promoted to a job in Rome, and given a Red Cap.
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