Monday, August 1, 2011


belinda said...

Things about me nobody wants to know.....

Just polished off a chipotle steak burrito with everything- except rice. I'm about as stuffed as that burrito was.

Time to re-start the diet and speaking of waffles, I made homemade syrup that was amazing. It tasted like liquid candy corn.

Vincenzo said...

That burrito sounds good. This AM I had real maple syrup for the first time in months.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I don't believe this vision of the future. Tweeting and Blogging will never catch on.

Why would anybody want to write their thoughts and what they do on a computer for everyone else to read? Ridiculous !!!

God bless.

Larry said...

Poor Major Mike Adams, USAF....not only did he die a terrible death in the X-15, but now he's the star of 'futureman' jokes.