Thursday, August 12, 2010

President Bush surprises the troops - USO Dallas/Fort Worth's Photos





    belinda said...

    I was never able to figure George out. I couldn't decide if he was part of the solution or part of the problem or maybe both.
    (what do you think?)

    I believe he made great strides for the new world order but I don't know if he did these things on purpose or if he simply fell into these situations. Sometimes I really like his personality and sometimes I don't , I suppose that's the way it would be with anyone I knew in real life.

    Do you think he was working for us or for the new world order.

    Unknown said...

    I think he was a good guy, with a good heart, with maybe not some of the best people around him, doing the hardest job in the world, where no matter what you do, at least half the people are gonna be mad that you did it.

    All I can see in these pictures is a genuinely nice guy and some people who are REALLY surprised, and quite happy, to see him.

    Lola said...

    I was traumatized when I saw photos of him eating a kitten.

    But, sometimes, I can't help but smile when I see him do a good thing. Warm fuzzies. Like in the photos above.

    Julie said...

    The only thing I ever liked about W was how he let his dog ride around with him in his truck , and when a woman reporter (Ann Collins?) came to the ranch for an interview/tour of the ranch, he told her to skooch over for the dog.

    A nice enough guy, but way,way out of his league, and with something to prove to his mama.