Sunday, August 29, 2010

Prayer Request for FReeper's Daughter

08-29-10 | Freepmail to Salvation

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010 7:58:35 PM by Salvation

I received this FReepmail Request:
Dear Salvation,

Could you please start an anonymous prayer thread for my daughter, Mary. She took an overdose of Tylenol from which she has survived, but she and the rest of our family need prayers. She is still on the psych ward - was supposed to be discharged this weekend but it didn’t happen. Her Fall Semester begins tomorrow - We think it’s very important for her to get back in the saddle - she is a Dean’s List student getting ready to start her last semester.
Thank you,


1 comment:

belinda said...

I will pray for her too.

I wonder if there's a backwards Freepmail? You know like someone who writes down the people and sitituations they are praying for in detail so that certain souls can know that God has not forgotten about them.
(I really hate to write down my dreams from last night. It's not a blog about dreams but about Christ.)

trating- trading? my word verification. God knows eeeeverything.