Sunday, August 22, 2010

SSPX Regularization Might Only Require Acceptance of the Catechism of the Catholic Church?

Rumor from Bishop Williamson of the SSPX:


"While the Rome-Society of St Pius X discussions are, by accounts from both sides, running into a doctrinal brick wall, reports from France and Germany together with a rumour from Rome...

The rumour from Rome is precisely that he is thinking of a “Motu Proprio” which would accept the SSPX “back into the Church” once and for all, yet require from the SSPX no explicit acceptance of Vatican II or the New Mass, but only, for instance, the acceptance of John-Paul II’s 1992 “Catechism of the Catholic Church..”



Anonymous said...

Vatican II happened--that's kinda like having two or three children, and poor babies might not want to eat everything mom's cooked, so little Timmy now does not have to eat his veg's while his sister and brother do? Vatican II is real, it happened.

Paul S. said...

This gives SSPX credibility in my opinion. Pray for unity.

masterk00 said...

Tradition and the saints are real too.

MarvinDante33 said...

@Tara: Yes, V-2 happened. The Society has never denied that it did. What they've always taken issue with is the way that the council has been perceived and implemented. It's not simply a matter of veggies! There are serious and troubling questions that are finally beginning to be addressed. It saddens me that the talks have reached an impasse. I'm doubling my prayers for them, personally.