Monday, April 12, 2010



belinda said...

Cathy, you did have a really great post. . We need people like you - loyal Catholics. What I like about you is your loyalty to your faith and your church and even when your feeling dry on occasion.

I thought about your last sentence- and they sure do have the right to go to hell if they want to but I have the right to try and stop them no matter how worthless my efforts may be. God bless you dear. ( and you too Vince)

Vincenzo said...

Thanks! God bless you too. Please pray for me today.

belinda said...

I will- I promise.

Vincenzo said...

Thank you

Fr. Zuhlsdorf o{]:¬) said...

As the others said... good post. And nice page, btw.

hey... wait just a moment here... !?

Cathy_of_Alex said...

LOL! Penjing gets more views on the Z-cam in one hour than I get on my blog in one week and that's God's honest truth right there.

Belinda: Thank you and you are right, evangelization is our mission.

Vincenzo said...

Father, you have one of the best blog designs. :)