Saturday, April 17, 2010

Which Catholic Saint are you?

St. Padre Pio
While a young Franciscan, Padre Pio miraculously received in his own body the wounds of Christ. Then followed fifty years of a wondrous ministry to the world, in which this living image of Christ healed the minds, hearts, and bodies of countless thousands who sought his help. This ministry continues to this day through the blessed friar's heavenly intercession. He lead souls to Heaven through prayer, sacrifice and the Sacrament of Confession. He exemplified Christ in his suffering.


Terry Nelson said...

I'm Padre Pio too.

Then I took the "what mental illness do you have test" - hit a little too close to home. LOL!

swissmiss said...

I got...St. Thomas Aquinas, a priest and doctor of the Church. His feast day is January 28th. He was born toward the end of the year 1226. He was the son of Landulph, Count of Aquino, who, when St. Thomas was five years old, placed him under the care of the Benedictines of Monte Casino. His teachers were surprised at the progress he made, for he surpassed all his fellow pupils in learning as well as in the practice of virtue. Patron of all universities and of students. He exemplified Christ in his intellect.

I only wish.

And I'm not taking the mental illness quiz.