Sunday, March 21, 2010

Medjugorje - Evidence of Fraud? (Video)

Repost this video on your blogs. You might save someone from the Medjugorje industry.

Update: Read more about this video here:


Unknown said...

Hi Vincenzo !

I am the one who filmed Vicka and Jean-Louis in 1985, and also the editor and co-author of The Hidden Side of Medjugorje

Would you please refer those images to the transcription and some explanation of the event, in English, at Marco Corvaglia's Blog - Medjugorje senza maschera

When my own Blog will be active, before mid-April, I will present the context of that event with its detailed analysis and more images.

A month ago, Diane K. gave me the opportunity to submit some reflections on the situation concerning Medjugorje. I said why my heart was pounding in front of two terrible choices : «vitality» or «hypercriticism», «fruits» or «truth». [ ]

Now that the fourth Commission has been announced, its members will have to deliberate about these choices «foretold» by Cardinal Ratzinger in 1985 (Ratzinger Report, p. 112) :

«One of our criteria is to separate the aspect of the true or presumed «supernaturality» of the apparition from that of its spiritual fruits. The pilgrimages of ancient Christianity were often concentrated on places with respect to which our modern critical spirit would be horrified as to the «scientific truth» of the tradition bound up with them. This does not detract from the fact that those pilgrimages were fruitful, beneficial, rich in blessings and important for the life of the Christian people. The problem is not so much that of modern hypercriticism (which ends up later, moreover, in a form of new credulity), but it is that of the evaluation of the vitality and of the orthodoxy of the religious life that is developing around these places.»

I wish them wisdom, courage and respectful consideration of the work accomplished by their predecessors --- more than 40 experts and 20 bishops who agreed on a non constat de supernaturalitate.


Louis Bélanger

Vincenzo said...


Thank you. I added a link to Marco's article to this post and am looking forward to reading the analysis at your new blog.


Unknown said...

Dear Mr. Belanger:

I am so happy I found you through this website which I got from Mark Waterinxx. I read your book, The Hidden Side of Medjugorje a few years ago and loved it. It gave me the details, history and the information I so needed to confirm my suspicious about how much of a scam Medj is. I would like to get two copies of your book. I would also like to correspond with you if at all possible. My email address is: If you can write me soon, I would really appreciate it. Hope you are well.
God Bless,