Saturday, August 30, 2008

McCain & Palin - Behind the Scenes Photos

"Arriving at the event in the morning."

"Right before going onstage to announce Governor Sarah Palin as the new VP nominee!"

"Dad and Sarah."

"Sarah and her sweet daughter Piper."

"Announcing the VP!"

"Greeting Dad on stage."

"First shot of Dad and his new VP nominee!"

"Her speech was fantastic!"

"She's very eloquent."

"Dad was incredibly excited."


"Fantastic shot."

"Sarah and her daughter Piper."

"Exiting the stage after the announcement."

"Willow and Trig Palin."

"Balancing BlackBerry and baby."

"Piper with her baby brother."

"The ticket for America!"

"Governor Palin and family."

1 comment:

Kit said...

Great pics! I posted kudos and a link to you over at my blog on this one!