"Here is my sermon for the Solemn TLM in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Camden.
To set this up, here was the music line-up for the Mass.
The musical selections are as follows:
The Ordinary of the Mass is the Messa della Cappella (1641), by Claudio Monteverdi.
Other selections:
Canzon XII a 8, Giovanni Gabrielli;
Sonata Sopra “Sancta Maria”, C. Monteverdi;
Venite Populi and Sonata #12 in C major, K 263, W.A. Mozart;
Pulchra est amica mea, Palestrina-Bassano;
Ave Maria, Harold Boatrite;
Hymns – Repeat My Soul, Walter Greatorex
Sing We of the Blessed Mother, Timothy McDonnell."