President Calvin Coolidge shoots at clay pigeons at his vacation home on the Brule at Superior, Wi. He scored twenty nine out of thirty seven. (AP Photo)
Dwight Eisenhower relaxes at the 18th hole during a golf game in Newport, R.I. (AP Photo)
George W. Bush holds up a striped bass that he caught while fishing with his father, former President Bush, off the coast of Kennebunk, Maine. (AP Photo)
President Ford plays golf during a working vacation on Mackinac Island in Michigan. (AP Photo)
Harry S. Truman, center, is seated with his wife, Bess, and daughter, Margaret, in Key West, Florida. (AP Photo)
Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy take a midday break in the water at Kahala Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii. (AP Photo)
The family of President John F. Kennedy vacations in this undated photo. (AP Photo)
1 comment:
Just a little tidbit on "Silent Cal" Coolidge. WDC is incredibly hot and humid and in the days before air conditioning, presidents used to leave town for much of the Summer. This was before the days of potential nuclear destruction by planes and missiles in hours, not weeks.
Anyhow, one Summer, 1923 or so, he chose Superior, WI, as the location of the Summer White House and took over their Central High School for the staff that he did need to keep the government running.
I had read that he had done a lot of fishing on the Brule River on the south shore, but this is my first awareness that he shot trap.
Lake Superior is a tremendous air conditioner because it is always "cooler by the lake."
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