Friday, July 15, 2011

Atheists unbless Texas

Godless group sues Rick Perry over prayer day event

By Emily Miller

(Washington Times) Atheists don’t want Texas Gov. Rick Perry to have a prayer day this summer. On Wednesday, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) asked a federal judge to block “The Response,” an event where Christians would gather in Houston to turn to God for direction and unity for an aggrieved nation.

The anti-God brigade insists this is a First Amendment violation, and it will also seek a restraining order to bar Mr. Perry’s participation.

FFRF president Annie Laurie Gaylor says the suit is warranted because Mr. Perry does not see a distinction between his personal beliefs and his duty and obligations as the state’s chief executive. “He has taken an oath of office to uphold a completely secular and godless Constitution where there is no religion in it - much less Jesus, much less days of prayer and fasting,” she told The Washington Times in an interview. “It’s way over the top...”

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