Saturday, July 23, 2011

Apostolic Nuncio to USA Archbp. Sambi gravely ill

The Apostolic Nuncio to the USA is gravely ill.  I suggest prayer for him and his family.

From the CNS blog:
Vatican ambassador to U.S. on ‘assisted ventilation’
Posted on July 22, 2011 by Jim Lackey


By Julie Asher
Catholic News Service

Archbishop Pietro Sambi, papal nuncio to the United States, “has been placed on assisted ventilation” since experiencing complications after he underwent “a delicate lung surgery” two weeks ago, according to the apostolic nunciature in Washington.

The ventilation is necessary “to attempt recovery of his lung function,” the nunciature said in an announcement released in the early evening July 22.

“The apostolic nunciature and the nuncio’s family kindly ask that bishops, priests, religious and lay faithful offer sacrifices and prayers for the health of the apostolic nuncio,” it said...

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