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A woman protesting against Pope Benedict XVI's visit holds up a sign reading 'Pope welcome to 'Gaycelona'' on November 4, 2010 in Barcelona, Spain. Pope Benedict XVI will visit Barcelona to consecrate the Sagrada Familia a Basilica on November 7, 2010.

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Two women wearing mitres reading 'I'm lesbian, adulterous, pro-abortion, and i do it with condoms' as they demonstrate against Pope's with members of social movements as Gay and Feminist organizations and trade unions visit in Spain on November 4, 2010 in Barcelona.

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Members of social movements as Gay and Feminist organizations and trade unions demonstrate against Pope's visit holding anti-pope placards in Spain on November 4, 2010 in Barcelona.

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A woman with a child holds and anti-clerical as she takes part to a demonstration against Pope's visit with Gay and Feminist organizations and trade unions in Spain on November 4, 2010 in Barcelona.

AP Photo
Rio police, foreground, watch as people march against the visit of Pope Benedict XVI holding a banner that reads "We are not waiting for you, secular Galicia" in Santiago de Compostela, northern Spain, on Thursday, Nov. 4, 2010.

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A man holds a placard reading 'Atheists, Gays? Yes! Nazis? No! Let's criticize yourself Nazinger!' as he takes part with members of social movements as Gay and Feminist organizations and trade unions to a demonstration against Pope's visit in Spain..
Freaks, idiots, bigots with closed minds.
Is dialogue possible with such numbskulls?
And, apparently, they plan to have a mass 'kiss in' as the Holy Father drives past.
It is hard to be charitable about such offensive people.
Hopefully, after seeing these fruits of the Springtime, the Holy Father will be encouraged to move much more quickly to do away with the novelty and liberalism in the Church, and restore Her Tradition.
"We have to build, while the others are demolishing. The crumbled citadels have to be rebuilt, the bastions of Faith have to be reconstructed; firstly the holy sacrifice of the Mass of all times, which forms saints; then our chapels, our monasteries, our large families, our enterprises faithful to the social politics of the Church, our politicians determined to make the politics of Jesus Christ – this is a whole tissue of Christian social life, Christian customs, Christian reflexes, which we have to restore."
At some point we American Catholics will be tested. I have concerns that these tests will include pain.
As it is, the reception given to our Pope makes me feel sick.
In America they will come for the religious bloggers first.
Obviously, the Pope is doing something right. Nothing enrages Satan more and these poor saps are his tools.
I wouldn't even gives these lame-os any press. That's what they're looking for.
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