"Romney's health care legislation provides taxpayer-funded abortions for a co-pay of just $50. Romney vetoed EIGHT provisions in his health care bill that he deemed objectionable, including the expansion of dental benefits to Medicaid recipients. He did not veto Planned Parenthoods' guaranteed position on the Advisory Board or ensure that abortions were covered only in medically necessary situations (as required by MA court ruling). All abortions are covered in the Commonwealth Care program with no medically necessary limitation. Under the program, abortions are available for a copay of $50...
Romney included in his health care legislation a guarantee that Planned Parenthood would have a representative on his MassHealth Payment Policy Advisory Board. No such provision was included for a pro-life representative. ...
Romney forced private Catholic hospitals to provide the morning-after-pill, a position applauded by Democrats and pro-abortions groups. .."
I'm not fully convinced of Mr. Thompson's pro-life cred but he makes several valid points about Mr. Romney here.
Yo, Vinny! nice to see you now have a blog. WElcome to diving in head first. Romney. What can I say about this guy -- I've seen enough of his ilk to know a talk-out-of-one-side-of
-one-side-of-his-mouth "Republican" when I see one. He's nothing but a demo play acting. Giuliani and McCain are the only ones making hin look good and I can't stand those two. I'd go Thompson over Huckabee, but DUNCAN HUNTER is *THE* real conservative -- WITH The record to back it up. He's also my own congressman for over 20 years, and he doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth. He is the ONLY candidate who really "gets it" regards the border.
Hi Karen! I like Hunter too. He's impressed me every time I've heard him speak. Sounds like we're on the same wavelength!
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