Interplanet Janet - She's a galaxy girl!
Conjunction Junction - What's their function?
The Preamble - We the People!
Interjections! - Hey! That's not fair, givin' a guy a shot down there!
I'm Just a Bill - I hope and pray that they will, but today I am still, just a bill...
Elbow Room - It's the West or bust, in God we trust.
The Body Machine - I'm a machine, you're a machine...
The Shot Heard 'Round the World - was the start of the revolution...
Lolly Lolly Lolly - get your adverbs here.
I love SR.
I also love Animaniacs - are you familiar? I guess I was too old for cartoons when they came along, but their educational songs are AWESOME!
ma beck, no I haven't seen them. I'll check them out.
I love SR and have all the videos. We have them at our cabin and play them for the kids...actually for me. I sing along to them and know all the words. My second childhood :)
I used to watch Animaniacs when I got home from work when I lived in Seattle. Pinky and the Brain were one of my favorites...
They're Pinky and the Brain,
Pinky and the Brain,
One is a genius,
the other's insane
"Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?"
"Same thing we do every night, Pinky; try to take over the world!"
I always loved those after school cartoons! I still to this day remember the one about grammar, how the LY came down on the verb to make an ADVERB. That's still how I remember it when I'm writing. Seriously educational stuff while being funny at the same time!
Sanctus Belle, I forgot about that one. I'll add it. I recall another good one about teeth ("exercise your choppers on some good hard food") but I can't find it online.
I went out last night to Borders since I had a 40% off on a boxed DVD set and bought the first season of Pinky and the Brain...well, my husband bought it for me for Christmas ;}
Now I can root for them to try to take over the world again!
Swissmiss, cool! Your cookie-baking talk has been driving me crazy. I've been craving chocolate chip cookies all day! I'll have to make some soon.
Well, I better get back to making dog food.
Our gingerbread cookies are all gone (only had two dozen). I plan to try the chocolate chip cookies again tomorrow or Friday and will keep an eye on the salt. I'm really starting to crave them too!
What kind of dog(s) do you have? (I'm assuming you're making dog food for dogs.)
I have a Shih-Tzu - a very hungry one.
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