Friday, December 14, 2007



Angela and Ray quietly delivered their gifts while Terry was distracted by the camera. (Cathy can be seen setting up her porch-tree in the background.)


Adrienne said...

Dear Santa,
Please, please, please - I want Photo Shop for Christmas.

Vincenzo said...

I'd love to get it too (I'm using Paint Shop Pro right now.) I can do everything that I need to do with this, but Photoshop has some cool filters.

The Crescat said...

alright, I gotta know... who's the guy on the left? Boy he gets around!

Vincenzo said...

"alright, I gotta know... who's the guy on the left? Boy he gets around!"

"Looter guy." He was photographed while looting Heineken in New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Now he spreads joy throughout the world, passing out beer to needy people (i.e., in North Korea).

Terry Nelson said...

Vincenzo - I had no isea you have a blog! Yay! I love your work!

swissmiss said...

HEY! You never said you had a blog!! What a stinker. I just noticed you changed your icon and thought something was up. I'm adding you to my blog roll and am expecting great things, especially Paint Shopped stuff!

'Bout time, dude! And you said when Ray told you to do the meme that you didn't have a blog...some sort of double life, eh?

Vincenzo said...

Terry, thanks!
Swissmiss, I didn't have one. The blog is only a few days old (older posts are backdated). Thanks for adding me!

Adrienne said...

I also was a bit confused when I found you this am. This is great 'cause you left me some instructions for HTML code that I can't find. But, who cares - now I can find the source.

Do you think PhotoShop is better than Paint Shop Pro??

Vincenzo said...

"I also was a bit confused when I found you this am. This is great 'cause you left me some instructions for HTML code that I can't find. But, who cares - now I can find the source."

Is this what you mean, from Adam's Ale?:
Comment box link instructions/example:

<a href="">The Holy See</a>

"Do you think PhotoShop is better than Paint Shop Pro??"

Photoshop is the industry standard.
Most people would probably say that it is better. I never spent much time with it.

Anonymous said...

Added you to my blogroll, you sly thing you!

Adrienne said...

Well, thanks so much. I'm surprised you even remembered. I am honored!!!!

Vincenzo said...

Angela, thanks! Adrienne, I didn't remember the exact post at first, but I found it. :} I love Father V's blog.