Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Updates via RORATE CÆLI:

[1930 Rome time - Update] "Vatican meeting w/ +Fellay reported over after 2.5 hours. He went other direction to avoid press. No word yet on if anything resolved." (Catholic News Service Twitter feed)

[1950 Rome time - Update] "The response of Benedict XVI to the 'Lefebvrists' not to be known before the weekend." "Bp. Fellay will have some days to put his signature on the text"  (SSPX spokesman Fr. Lorans, to Agence France Presse - LB2S Twitter feed (La Croix religion journalist) Lorans added that "it will be a week-10 days before further moves, today was just a step in the process" (A.Speciale Twitter feed)


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