Friday, September 16, 2011

Pat Robertson Quotes on Alzheimer's Rebuked by Christian Leaders

By Nicola Menzie
(Christian Post) Evangelical Christian leaders are condemning the recent quotes by Christian Broadcasting Network chairman Pat Robertson who told viewers Tuesday that divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's disease is justifiable.

"I'm just flabbergasted," Joel Hunter, pastor of the 15,000-member Northland Church in Orlando, Fla., told ABC News. "I just don't know how anyone who is reading Scripture or is even familiar with the traditional wedding vows can come out with a statement like that..."

Robertson, without citing any Scriptural support, said that a man with a wife suffering from Alzheimer's "should divorce and start all over."

Co-host Terry Meeuwsen appeared alarmed by Robertson's comments. She interjected, noting that couples vow to remain together "for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer."

Robertson responded that if people respect those vows they will also keep in mind the part that says "until death do us part," which is when he added that Alzheimer's "is a kind of death."

The controversial "700 Club" host also said he would not put a "guilt trip" on someone who divorced for such a reason... (continued...)

1 comment:

happymomonline said...

I saw this story on our local secular news last night and couldn't believe it - how can a Christian pastor advise divorce?! What happened until death do us part? It is nice to see the amount of discussion it has brought up. I hope it is making people really think about how/why the sacrament of marriage is relevant and needs to stand between one man and one woman as a life long commitment - for better or worse.