Niall O'Dowd
Irish Central - New York Daily News columnist Sarah Elizabeth Cupp has put at least a kitten among the pigeons with her suggestion yesterday that Hillary Clinton run against Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination in 2012.
I have heard numerous suggestions along those lines in my own circle so it was not entirely surprising to see it break into print.
Cupp writes that following a heated political discussion among her friends one fact emerged..." for my friends - three thirtysomething left-of-center moderates who voted for Obama in 2008 - only one name would make them consider pulling the lever for someone else: Hillary Clinton...
Right now there is no way that Hillary will challenge Obama in 2012. It is not even on the radar.
However, if the polls continue to plummet, and Democrats have a disastrous mid-term election, then who knows what the next 18 months might bring.
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