Thursday, July 2, 2009

President Obama's Analysis of the "Divide" in Catholicism

(Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
President Barack Obama holds a round table briefing July 2 in the Roosevelt Room with Catholic press, including Register publisher Father Owen Kearns (left foreground).

"..In addition, Father Kearns noted the president’s analysis of the divide in Catholicism.

'The president said he had fond memories of Cardinal Bernardin and that when he started his neighborhood project, they were funded by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development,' he said. “After the first question, from the National Catholic Reporter‘s Joe Feuerherd, the president jokingly asked, ‘Was there really [a controversy at Notre Dame]?’”

'The president spoke about how during Cardinal Bernardin’s time the U.S. bishops spoke about the nuclear freeze, the sanctuary movement, immigration and the poor, but that later a decided change took place,” added Father Kearns. “He said that the responses to his administration mirror the tensions in the Church overall, but that Cardinal Bernardin was pro-life and never hesitated to make his views known, but he had a consistent ‘seamless garment’ approach that emphasized the other issues, as well. The president said that that part of the Catholic tradition continues to inspire him. Those issues, he said, seemed to have gotten buried by the abortion debate."


Anonymous said...

So the meeting was for ??? The president thinks we should focus on issues--other than abortion? What, now he's telling Catholics what issues we should be concerned about. PARTS of the Catholic tradition inspire him? So to keep "him" inspired we should do what? Rip up the "seamless garment" and only focus on the concerns of the president?

I still think the president is the anti-Christ!

Fr. Erik Richtsteig said...

To quote my late grandfather, "Who gives a rat's a**!" I don't trust Obama on issues of this world let alone the next.