Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "The absolutism of technology, which finds its clearest expression in certain practices contrary to life”, could "draw dark scenarios for the future of humanity": Benedict XVI returns to warn against a development that is only concerned with technological progress, bringing with it the manipulation of embryos, abortion, euthanasia, sterilization, birth control under the pretext of wanting to promote human development. At today's Angelus address the pontiff reiterated the views expressed in his recently published social encyclical, Caritas in Veritate.
"Acts that do not respect the true dignity of the person - said the pope - even when they seem motivated by a 'choice of love', in reality are the result of a 'material and mechanistic conception of human life', which reduces ' love without truth to ‘an empty shell to fill arbitrarily' (cf. No. 6 of the encyclical) and can thus result in adverse effects in integral human development. "
Citing other issues in the encyclical, he reiterated that today the social question 'has become a radically anthropological question' in the sense that it involves the very way we conceive the human being who is increasingly placed in the hands of man himself through modern biotechnology (see ibid. 75). Solutions to current problems of humanity can not only be technical, but must take into account all the needs of the person who has a soul and body. "
The social question also has a "world horizon". The Pope recalled the importance of the just concluded G8 summit, but above all he stressed that "there are social inequalities and structural inequities in the world that are no longer tolerable, which require, in addition to immediate action, a coordinated strategy to find durable solutions ".
The Church, he said, "has no technical solutions to offer, but, as an expert in humanity, it offers everyone the teaching of Sacred Scripture on truth and proclaims the Gospel of love and justice."
A "a new economic plan” is required “that redesigns development in a holistic way, building on the foundation of ethical responsibility before God and man as a creature of God." And quoting the encyclical, the pontiff said: "In an increasingly globalized society, the common good and the effort to obtain it cannot fail to assume the dimensions of the whole human family, "(n. 7).
"Despite the complexity of the current situation in the world - concluded the pope - the Church looks to the future with hope and reminds Christians that 'the proclamation of Christ is the first and main factor of development'."
After the Marian prayer, Benedict XVI expressed his "deep concern about events in Honduras”, where there was a coup, by the military and the courts, deposing the President Manuel Zelaya, who is attempting to return from imposed exile by every available means. "I would to invite you to pray for that country so dear to the maternal intercession of Our Lady of Suyapa, - said the pope - may the leaders of the nation and all its inhabitants patiently walk the path of dialogue, mutual understanding and reconciliation . This is possible if, setting aside personal interests, everyone strives to seek the truth and to tenaciously pursue the common good: this is the condition for ensuring peaceful coexistence and genuine democratic life! To the Honduran people I assure my prayers and impart a special Apostolic Blessing. "
And before his greetings in different languages, Benedict XVI bid "goodbye to St. Peter's Square and the city of Rome": Tomorrow, the pope moves to Les Combes, a town close to Mont Blanc, in the Valle d'Aosta for a period of rest. "I call on everyone - he said - to accompany me with prayer. Prayer knows no distance and separation: wherever we are, it makes us one heart and one mind. "
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