NLM: "The Sacramentary for the liturgical celebration of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI during his Apostolic Journey to Sydney for the XXIII World Youth Day has been released by the Office of the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff. You can find it online as a pdf at the Vatican website
here. At a first glance it is very encouraging to see that at both public Masses, the one in Sydney's Cathedral as well as the large one for the conclusion of WYD, the Roman Canon will be used. At the first occasion, apparently the entire ordinarium will be sung in Latin, whereas at the WYD Mass, at least the Pater noster will be sung in Latin, as well as the Angelus Domini (which has been incorporated into the concluding rites, as is also sometimes done in Rome) and the Pontifical Blessing..."
Papal Missal for WYD Released
Apostolic Journey to Sydney for XXIII World Youth Day
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