TO: Priests and Deacons of the Archdiocese of St. Louis
Members of the Curia
FROM: Archbishop Robert J. Carlson
DATE: March 3, 2015
RE: Medjugorje Events
I have received a request from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to remind everyone that they are not to participate in events that promote the so-called visionaries of Medjugorje and in particular Mr. Ivan Dragicevic. Please make this information available to the Lay Faithful.
There was an event scheduled for March 18th which has now been cancelled. No other such events should be scheduled.
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Archbishop. Thank you for your assistance.
- Pope Francis: Don’t live your lives according to what seers tell you
- Medjugorje Ruling - "We are about to make decisions" says Pope Francis
- Medjugorje - Clerics and Faithful Not Permitted to Take Credibility of "Apparitions" for Granted (CDF)
- Father George Rutler: Medjugorje cult "has become an industry from which many have made a lot of money"
- Father Mitch Pacwa: Lack of any Spiritual Depth to the Messages May be the Unraveling of Medjugorje
- Medjugorje and Authority
- Medjugorje Madness with Michael Voris & E. Michael Jones
- Medjugorje (EWTN)
- Pope Meets Head of Medjugorje Commission
- Pope Francis: "Our Lady... is not a postmaster, sending messages every day"
- Medjugorje "visionary" Vicka flinches while in "ecstasy" (video)
- Our Lady of Medjugorje?: Very Serious Counter-Signs - By Father Jay Scott Newman
- What is Happening at Medjugorje?
- Medjugorje Commission to Present Final Report by End of 2012
- Medjugorje : "The pope wants a decisive conclusion made" - Father Salvatore Perrella, CDF Expert
- Medjugorje Commission Priest: Christian Who Bases His Faith in Apparitions is Not a Christian Adult, It's Not Mature
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