Saturday, October 29, 2011
What to do if I think I’m harassed by Satan?
By Father George David Byers
The first thing to do if you think you are harassed by Satan is to pray like a little child might, with simplicity, with faith, with trust. Use the Lord’s Prayer.
The second thing is not to worry. The Lord purposely came into this world to deal with all the hell that hell had to vomit out so that, having taken this on, and rising from the dead, He might have the right in all justice to have mercy on us. It’s a matter of love. And that’s how He wins.
If you’re harassed, that doesn’t mean that you are bad nor evil nor abandoned by our Lord. Not at all. This is the road for you that our Lord has permitted to help you in your circumstances of life with your priorities and in your relationship with Him. Our Lord can always take good out of evil for our benefit, the evil being there in the first place because of original sin and its just consequences. So, no depression. No despair!
The third thing to do is to contact a Catholic Priest in good standing who has been expressly appointed to be an exorcist in that particular diocese. Make certain of this. To find out how to meet up with him, contact your local parish priest of the local Catholic Church in your area, asking him if he would contact the chancery for you. If this is not possible, or you meet up with mockery, google the chancery or “Catholic Center” or “Pastoral Center” of the Catholic (Arch)Diocese in whose territory you live. Google, for instance, ” Catholic Diocese [or Archdiocese] ” along with “near” and the name of the largest city in the region. From there, look for the contact information. Try any number of offices on the list.
What you are experiencing might not be what you expect, and have nothing to do with Satan. Good! Now you know!
If there is something untoward, you might just need a house-blessing. I would ask for the “extraordinary form” of this house blessing. Blessings do what they say, and the extraordinary form of this blessing is most extraordinary. This is what you want. Trust me on that one...