Sunday, October 30, 2011

Susan Sarandon's Daughter's Marriage Officiated by Sister Helen Prejean

Sister Helen Prejean
(People) With a little bit of Southern charm, Eva Amurri and Kyle Martino, a former MLS soccer player who is now a soccer commentator, were married Saturday afternoon in historic Charleston, S.C, her rep confirms exclusively to PEOPLE...

The nuptials were hosted by Amurri's mom Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins – who helped raise the bride during his 21-year-long relationship with her mother...

The ceremony, officiated by Sister Helen Prejean – about whom the movie Dead Man Walking, starring Sarandon, was made – was to be followed by a black-tie celebration of dinner and dancing and guests toasted with Perrier Jouet champagne...

h/t to Suzanne



Unknown said...

She doesn't convey being a nun very well and apparently she doesn't recall she can't marry anyone

Anonymous said...

Google: "Sister Helen Dossier"

Paul Hoffer said...

South Carolina's laws in regards to wedding officiants is very liberal. As long as a person is either a notary public or has a ministry degree, a person can officiate over a wedding. The scandal here is the good sister's depriving Ms. Murri and Mr. Martino a sacramental marriage. Apparently her celebrity is more important than making sure folks receive the sacraments. Her bishop in NO should be advised of her conduct.

God bless!

God bless!

Paul Hoffer said...

As a further thought, in fairness to Sr. Prejean, there are situations where a Catholic lay person or consecrated religious can preside over a marriage according to the USCCB's Instruction on Certain Questions Regarding the Collaboration of the Non-Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of the Priest. It is possible that she did first received the required permission to perform the ceremony. I have sent an e-mail to her Order asking if this was done.

God bless!

Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve said...

I don't think it would be permissible in this case, for the document speaks only of cases where no priest is available. That is not the case in Charleston. To quote the document:

Assistance at Marriages

§ 1. The possibility of delegating the non-ordained faithful to assist at marriages may prove necessary in special circumstances where there is a grave shortage of sacred ministers.

This possibility, however, is subject to the verification of three conditions. The diocesan Bishop, may concede this delegation only in cases where there are no priests or deacons available and after he shall have obtained for his own diocese a favourable votum from the Conference of Bishops and the necessary permission of the Holy See. (106)

§ 2. In such cases, the canonical norms concerning the validity of delegation, (107) the suitability, capacity and attitude of the non-ordained faithful must be observed. (108)

§ 3. With the exception of an extraordinary case due to the absolute absence of both Priests and Deacons who can assist at marriages provided for in Canon 1112 of the Code of Canon Law, no ordained minister may authorize the non-ordained faithful for such assistance. Neither may an ordained minister authorize the non-ordained faithful to ask or receive matrimonial consent according to the norm of Canon 1108 § 2.

Anonymous said...

anyone can marry couples these days it seems...but it doesn't mean that God Himself always approves; especially not when gays marry. What saddens me is that weddings these days is all about who has the most expensive dress, the biggest wedding, the most expensive entertainment and most lavish food. When will it ever get back to being love, commitment, faithfullness, and contractual agreements to fulfill both sides of the marriage agreement? It's a sad, bad world!

Michael Francis James Lee said...

That USCCB Instruction only has the actual authority given to it by the local ordinary.Besides, I am willing to bet,it has zero applicability in this situation. Sister once again gave grave public scandal. Why no one has the courage to shut her down amazes me, and further fosters confusion among the faithful.

She, her order, and the Bishop in whose diocese this circus took place should all be dealt with by Rome. It is foolish to expect any action from "this side of the pond."

Farkel444 said...

It's getting close to the time to flee the beast. There are more wacos and indifferent than sane...and the people of authority have no spine. What else would have to happen? Lasalette is becoming fact in our midst.

Paul Hoffer said...

As I promised, I wrote to Sr. Prejean's order and received a very prompt response from Pat Milenius, Director of Mission Advancement, who advised me that contary to news accounts, Sr. Prejean did not "officiate" or "preside" over the marriage. It was not a Catholic service nor was it held in a church. She attended the wedding as a friend of the Sarandon family and only participated in it by offering a blessing and a reflection on the couple's spiritual commitment to each other. Thus, if there is blame to be placed here it is on the news media for getting it wrong and not on Sr. Prejean.

I hope this clears matters up for everyone. It is important to be concerned; it is just as important to be right before judging. Like others here, I certainly jumped the gun before getting all the facts. Mea culpa!

Vincenzo said...

"I hope this clears matters up for everyone."

A wedding guest who was present states otherwise:

Inside Eva Amurri's Charming Charleston Wedding

The ceremony included a twist on classic vows – "We re-worked them to create something more personal," says Amurri – and was officiated by Sister Helen Prejean, about whom the movie Dead Man Walking was made, starring Sarandon.

"She's an old family friend," says a guest. "It just made sense for them to have her do it."