Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Catholic Truth Society in Britain Issues Guide on Bringing Witches and Wiccans to Christ and His Church

By Simon Caldwell A guide on how to convert witches to Christianity has been published by the Roman Catholic Church in Britain.

The move comes in response to fears that growing numbers of teenagers are being lured into Wicca, occult practices and paganism by the heroic depiction of witches in entertainment including the Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Apprentice films, and TV.

The booklet, called Wicca and Witchcraft: Understanding the Dangers, offers parents advice on what to do if one of their children takes an interest in witchcraft.

It also instructs on ‘how to evangelise a witch’ should readers come across such a person in their circle of friends or at the local pub. 

The guide, published yesterday by the Catholic Truth Society, the UK publishers to the Holy See, was written by Elizabeth Dodd, a former Oxford Wiccan who converted to the Catholic faith.

She said nearly 70 per cent of Wicca practitioners are young women seeking some kind of spirituality.

Behind the glamour there were ‘grave dangers’ because of its link to the occult and the sinister movement championed by satanist Aleister Crowley, she said.

She added: ‘Recognition that Wiccans are on a genuine spiritual quest can provide the starting point for dialogue that may lead to their conversion.’

Some 7,000 of 31,000 neo-pagans identified themselves as Wiccans in the 2001 census but the figure is believed to be far higher


Pablo the Mexican said...

"...The guide, published yesterday by the Catholic Truth Society, the UK publishers to the Holy See, was written by Elizabeth Dodd, a former Oxford Wiccan who converted to the Catholic faith..."

Do you see anything wrong with that picture?

What are they smoking at the Vatican?

Here is the Roman Catholic pre whatever you want to call it attitude towards heretics:

Truth is not our making, but God's. And hence the Church in her history, due reparation made, has always welcomed the heretic back into the treasury of her souls, but never his heresy into the treasury of her wisdom.

The Church never in its history has had followers of Satan come into the Church to teach the Faithful.

Until now.


Cló Mhuire said...

"A guide on how to convert witches to Christianity has been published by the Roman Catholic Church in Britain...." That raised a few eyebrows.

There first needs to be an understanding and recognition through discernment regarding people already involved in pagan worship in the Church. How many have found their way into Catholic ministries under the guise of counselling and prayer groups? Until we are sufficiently converted in our interior lives and transformed through a strong relationship with God, we just might be sitting beside them and not know it!

Nan said...

St. Michael...many of our youth aren't raised in religious households and are looking for something, but don't necessarily know what. Many of these young women who are interested in Wicca are attracted to the nature spirit aspect of it but end up self-identifying as Wiccan much as young people proclaim themselves to be Goths.

The woman who has become Catholic knows her audience and knows how to attract their attention. Note that Wiccans don't believe in Satan as that's a Christian construct.

Pablo the Mexican said...

Dear Miss Nan,

Freemasons like to pretend that the Masonic Lodge is a fraternal organization.

“It makes good men better’.

If you believe that baloney, I have eight acres on the side of a cliff I will sell you.

Likewise Wiccans that claim the Devil is a Christian invention have come up with quite a good line of malarkey.

Nonserviam, or Mi cha el.

I will not serve, or who is like unto God.

Wiccans in charge, in actual authority, know that.

Their fight is against God and His Christ.

To act pure and nondenominational in the face of God’s will is the height of hypocrisy.

There are those in the Church that will see this Wicca book as approval of Wicca to be used in the catechism of the Faithful; my Diocese has a Wiccan in a position of authority counseling the faithful. And not in an obscure, poor Parish. In a large, wealthy area that support from the Faithful for these ‘Catholic’ Wicca Bishop approved and endorsed rituals may come rolling in.

It is a mortal sin to go to a witch for anything.

A witch or Wiccan should not be prevented from repenting and participating in the Sacraments.

However, a Bishop should not give the Wiccan a job using those wicca ‘talents’.

In my Diocese we have avowed witches in the capacity of Parish secretary.

A ‘helpful’ book like this only goes to compound the problems we already face in our Church.

We should always offer a solution while bellyaching over problems.

He is my suggestion for a book the Holy Father might someday write:

Freemasons, Witches Warlocks, Wiccans; How to rid them from Positions of Authority in your local Diocese.

(a study of the work of the Cure of Ars demonstrates how we do not need devils to chase out devils).

May God our Lord in His infinite and supreme goodness be pleased to give us His abundant grace, that we may know His most holy will, and entirely fulfill it.
