Sunday, February 6, 2011

NYTimes Compares Muslim Brotherhood to Catholic Church

Lisa Graas has covered politics and religion at her blog since 2008. She has served as a crisis pregnancy counselor, youth speaker, mental health advocate and legislative consultant. at the New York Times clearly love to promote the false  notion that Islam is exactly like Christianity, at least when they are boiled down to their basics. Often, the Catholic Church specifically is compared to Islam as if they are basically one and the same.

As we saw in Rachel Donadio’s article on the Cathedral of Córdoba, which she referred to (wrongly) as “The Great Mosque,” Islam is preferred to Catholicism even to the point of blatant lying. Now, we find the New York Times comparing even the Muslim Brotherhood, specifically, to Catholicism in an article that appears to be designed to set readers’ minds at ease about their having power in the Egyptian government.
Once again, it’s time to set the record straight.

Wise people around the world are coming to the understanding that it is very important that everyone clearly define his values, and that people of good will everywhere should join in working for those values that help to build just societies. So it is that Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, bravely took a stand last October against multiculturalism, a leftist doctrine that walks hand in hand with moral relativism.

Today she was joined by British Prime Minister David Cameron. Multiculturalism is clearly at the heart of the claim by Scott Shane in the New York Times that the Muslim Brotherhood is like Catholicism.
The Brotherhood, founded in Egypt in 1928, is the oldest and largest Islamist movement in the world, with affiliates in most Muslim countries and adherents in Europe and the United States.
Its size and diversity, and the legal ban that has kept it from genuine political power in Egypt for decades, make it hard to characterize simply.  As the Roman Catholic Church includes both those who practice leftist liberation theology and conservative anti-abortion advocates, so the Brotherhood includes both practical reformers and firebrand ideologues.
Which of those tendencies might rise to dominance in a new Egypt is under intense discussion inside the Obama administration, where officials say they may be willing to consult with the Brotherhood during a political transition.
It should be noted that unlike Muslims, Catholics have a Pope who sits in the “Chair of Peter”, a seat of authority. Pope John Paul II has been fairly clear on the problems of “liberation theology.” Rebelling against the Pope’s teaching is rebellion against Catholicism. If one writes about Catholicism, one should first know what he is talking about.

Bill Donahue of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, hits the nail on the head in his satirical characterization of the drivel being fed to New York Times readers.
So Sister Mary Alice who leans left while working with the poor, and Father Murphy who works with pro-lifers, have much in common with Muslims who differ with each other on whether to kill Jews now or wait until they’re elected.
Good for him. There’s nothing that I could add that could make this preposterous claim in the New York Times more clear than that.


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