Monday, November 16, 2009

Father Corapi's Personal Testimony - FREE!

Fr. John Corapi's life experiences prior to ordination are simply astounding and truly show the great work of God through our Blessed Mother. Filled with the desire to "be somebody" he embraced the promises of the world. from athletics to soldiering to millionaire businessman, his life became a string of successes that always left him flat and empty. God was molding him. Through the Blessed Virgin Mary, Father Corapi began to see the light where before there was only darkness, After a series of trials, he soon felt the unmistakable call to be a priest. Father preaches the "Good News" of our Lord Jesus across the country at conferences and parishes. He gives his powerful witness of hope and Mercy to all.

We encourage you to share links to this page and share Father Corapi's message of hope!
From the only authorized distributor or Father Corapi materials, Click here to receive this complete and uncut free audio "rental"

Movie Rentals and Downloads

Length: Approx. 1 Hour

Amazing conversion story. This audio rental requires you to go through the order process, no charge associated with it, and then prior to playing you'll need to download Microsoft Silverlight (M.S.'s version of Flash) if you don't already have it. - V.

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