by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
April 28, 2009
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- The president of the national conference of Catholic bishops recently elaborated further on the meeting he had in March with President Barack Obama. Cardinal George told a recent gathering of Catholic priests that Obama says he is not pro-abortion and will eventually work to reduce abortions.
For most pro-life advocates, Obama's extensive pro-abortion record of executive orders and key political appointments proves otherwise.
According to a Catholic News Service report, Cardinal Francis George discussed the conversation he had with Obama at a March 18 meeting at the White House.
"I think on the life issue he's on the wrong side of history," the cardinal said, but he added that Obama wants to make pro-life advocates appear as if he is on their side.
"It's hard to disagree with him because he'll always tell you he agrees with you," he said, according to CNS. "Maybe that's political. I think he sincerely wants to agree with you. You have to say, again and again, 'No, Mr. President, we don't agree (on abortion).'"
The Catholic News Service indicates Cardinal George said he told Obama he is concerned with the president's decision to overturn the Mexico City Policy and opening the door to funding groups that promote and perform abortions in other nations.
"He said we weren't exporting abortion," the cardinal recounted. "I said, 'Yes we are.' He would say, 'I know I have to do certain things here. ... But be patient and you'll see the pattern will change.' I said, 'Mr. President, you've given us nothing but the wrong signals on this issue.' So, we'll see, but I'm not as hopeful now as I was when he was first elected."
"I think he has his political debts to pay, and so he's paying them," Cardinal George said of the impression he was left with after the Obama meeting.
Ultimately, the Catholic pro-life leader cast a pessimistic view of the situation under Obama and the long-term outlook.
"I think we're up against something a little bit like slavery," he said, adding that Obama and abortion advocates are unwilling to change the law to protect human life before birth.
"It's a society-dividing issue, and on this issue, we're with Abraham Lincoln and he's with Stephen Douglas, and he doesn't like to hear that, but that's where he is," George said, according to CNS.
"For 80 years we were a slave republic, and it took a terrible war to end that. And now for 40 years we're in an abortion regime, and I'm not sure how that's going to end," he added.
"Obama wants to make pro-life advocates appear as if he is on their side"
Classic Satan deception--make things "appear" as something else!
Love the photo! Oh, btw, great photo of Msgr. Schuler
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