Monday, February 23, 2009

"We shall go with thee!"

From The Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer, (F.SS.R.):

sub + Petro
Quinquagesima Sunday
Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter
Ecce ascendimus Ierosolyman, et consumabuntur omnia...
Behold we go up to Jerusalem; and all things shall be accomplished...
Last May,
Brother Maximilian,
born near the Redemptorist monastery of Tuchow, Poland,
who had been a member of the Society of St. Pius X since 1999,
had his religious vows formally dispensed by his Parish Priest
in order to live in full communion with the Chair of Peter.

Following his dispensation,
in a certain hermenutic of continuity,
Brother Maximilian has been living on Papa Stronsay
as a postulant.
Today, seven months later,
on the feast of the Chair of St. Peter,
he was clothed in the habit
the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer.

Priest: Receive, my Son, the image of the crucifix,
image of Thy Master and Redeemer,
who suffered for thee and offered Himself for thee.
Place it as a standard upon thy heart,
as a seal upon thy arm.
Novice: I will die O Lord for the love of Thy love
who has deigned to die for the love of my love.

He took the religious name:
Brother Bernard
In honour of
The Servant of God,
Father Bernard Lubienski, C.SS.R.(1846 – 1933)

Dum esset Summus Pontifex,
Terrena non metuit,
Sed ad caelestia regna
Gloriosus migravit.
While he was Supreme Pontiff
He feared no earthly powers,
But went his way in glory
To the heavenly kingdom.
Oremus pro beatissimo Papa nostro Benedicto
Dominus conservet eum,
Et vivificet eum,
Et beatum faciat eum in terra,
Et non tradat eum in animam inimicorum eius.
Let us pray for our Holy Father Pope Benedict.
May the Lord preserve him
and give him life
and make him blessed upon earth.
And deliver him not up
to the will of his enemies.


Cathy_of_Alex said...

Great photos!

Rachel said...

I love it! Thanks for the pictures. :)