The 82-year-old company manufactured all kinds of confectionery goodies, including Ding Dongs, Sno Balls, and Ho Hos, but is perhaps best known for the iconic vanilla creme-filled Twinkie. The golden sponge cake Americans have come to love, however, is slightly different than gooey snack that was first introduced by James Alexander Dewar in 1930.
That's because the original Twinkie was made with banana filling. Then World War II came along and bananas were rationed. Hostess was forced to come up with a different creme flavor. They settled on vanilla.
And the rest, as they say, is history. The vanilla flavor was an instant hit, once helping to secure Hostess' spot as the largest wholesale baker in the country. That era has now come to an abrupt end. The company plans to sell its snack cakes and other products until supplies run out, sparking Twinkie runs from coast to coast.
Let the hoarding begin!
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