California Catholic Daily
ANAHEIM, March 17, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- "We call on faithful Catholics to come join us in protesting the Los Angeles Archdiocese's upcoming dissent-fest, the Religious Education Congress (REC)," said Kenneth M. Fisher, chairman of Concerned Roman Catholics of America (CRCOA). "We need to warn thousands of Catholics that they'll hear speakers who spread doubts about Church teachings on abortion, homosexuality, contraception, women's ordination and the pope's authority."

Fisher announced that on Saturday, March 24, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., his group will protest the annual REC, the world's largest training event for Catholic schoolteachers. (The REC is slated for the Anaheim Convention Center, March 22-25. The Saturday leafleting will take place outside the Center's main exhibit hall.)
"The REC will have speakers with long track records of dissent," Fisher noted. "They'll tell Catholic educators what to teach. Then the teachers will infect countless innocent Catholic children with their errors."
Fisher said CRCOA members will hand out flyers that expose speakers who dissent from the Church's teachings.
The 185 REC speakers include:
A priest who's said he's "not anti-choice," has publicly discussed his genitals, and has criticized the idea that truth is superior to dissent.
A priest who says the Church needs "public models" of "healthy gay priests for Catholics to reflect on," to counter "the stereotype of the gay priest as child abuser."
A professor who subtly undermines Church teachings on papal authority, sodomy, contraception and women's ordination.
A nun who's taught that "ordinary genital self-touch can be very important" for children.
A laicized priest who wants not only women priests but also women bishops.
Fisher invited faithful Catholics to join CRCOA's leafleting by calling him at 714-491-2284 or e-mailing him at crcoa@dslextreme.com.
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