Thursday, April 7, 2011

Michael Voris Presentation Canceled by Marywood University

From Non-Faithful Catholic Schools blog: weekend a presentation by Michael Voris, Real Catholic TV was scheduled at Marywood University in Scranton, PA.  His appearance had been approved by the Board at Marywood and he was all set to go.  As of Wednesday,  April 6th, the presentation had been canceled.  The 'reason'  given was that he was "too controversial" to have on Campus.

The reason Michael Voris would be considered too controversial at Marywood is because he tends to always tell the truth about Marywood, they don't.  Former Bishop Martino had started investigating Marywood for violations of Catholic directives concerning the dispensing of Contraceptives and advocating the Homosexual lifestyle through their LGBTQ Ally group on campus.   If fact, they had listed on their website for foreign students lists of things to bring and it included contraceptives and condoms...

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