Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Game: Real estate agent or nun? You decide.

From Belinda's Brain:

"Does she smile because she has the joy of the Lord in her heart
or is that the face of a woman who has closed in on an amazing deal?"


belinda said...

Thanks for mentioning my blog.

The woman in the blue had me stumped.

I made up some more of these for tomorrow.
I was a bit worried that I might offend someone. That's generally not my intention. However I am peeved at "Big Sis" over on Drudge.

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

Gosh, that's going on in our diocese with at least one, if not two motherhouses of apostolic women religious...how uncanny...or maybe, canny?
When I used to go the meetings of the consecrated life superiors in our diocese, it was always a report of how they were "downsizing" or preparing to liquidate their property; we, on the other hand, were trying to find property to actually have a place to grow and develop.
Wonder why?
Oh, yeah.
They had an average age of 65+, if not 70.
We are all under 50 years of age.
But you can bet they're gonna make a killing on the property.
Oh yeah.