Saturday, March 1, 2008

Papal Intention: for Persecuted Christians

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 29, 2008 ( Benedict XVI's apostolic prayer intention for March will focus on persecuted Christians.

The Apostleship of Prayer announced the apostolic intention chosen by the Pope: "That Christians, who are persecuted in many parts of the world and in various manners because of the Gospel, may continue, sustained by the strength of the Holy Spirit, to bear witness courageously and openly to the Word of God."

The Holy Father also chooses a general intention for each month. In March he will pray: "That the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation between persons and people may be understood and that the Church, through her testimony, may spread Christ's love, the source of new humanity."

1 comment:

Moses Gunner said...

Christians are under attack in America! Take Grand Theft Jesus: The Hijacking of Religion in America. Written by Robert S. McElvaine for example. This worthless"historian" attempts to attack Christians with the bible! This book is likely to be the reference book of the Anti-Chris. I found this great review of Grand Theft Jesus that tears the arguments Dr. McElvaine to shreds.