Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Experts: Indictments Loom For Spitzer

Disgraced Former Governor Could Face Myriad Of Charges

NEW YORK (CBS) ― Eliot Spitzer's resignation Wednesday spares him and the state the spectacle of an impeachment, but what about an indictment?

It was a rare and unequivocal declaration by U.S. Attorney Michael Garcia: "There is no agreement between this office and Gov. Eliot Spitzer, relating to his resignation or any other matter."

And in Spitzer's own words:

"Over the course of my public life, I've insisted, I think correctly, that people regardless of their position or power take responsibility for their conduct."

But what conduct? And what form will that responsibility take? Legal observers say there's a good chance the governor will be indicted.

"To move funds from one place to the other, to hide the source of the money … it's still going to be money laundering," said John Jay College School of Criminology professor Joseph King.

Experts say "Client 9" could face the following charges:

* Money laundering for trying to conceal the source and recipient of financial transactions.
* Tax evasion, if he was a knowing party to an all-cash business that wasn't filing taxes.
* Violation of the Mann Act for paying for the trip from New York to D.C. by the call girl known as "Kristen."
* Misuse of state resources, if he used his state-issued credit card for hotels or meals with prostitutes as well as if he was being protected by State Troopers during his dalliances.
* And finally, soliciting prostitution.

There's also the question of whether Spitzer used campaign funds for these trysts, which opens up a whole other litany of charges from fraud to federal election violations....


swissmiss said...

Yesterday in bible study, one of the ladies mentioned that Spitzer was pushing hard to require legislation that doctors in NY woudl be required to perform abortions or they would lose their medical licenses.

She said it almost appears that his down fall was because God smote him for this. There are many other politicians I wish God would have a talk with :)

Vincenzo said...

"Yesterday in bible study, one of the ladies mentioned that Spitzer was pushing hard to require legislation that doctors in NY woudl be required to perform abortions or they would lose their medical licenses."
