Hey guys. |
"Editor: there are a number of people comparing Father Corapi to Cardinal Bernardin. Is it a simple case of people who defend Fr. Corapi are Catholic and people who attack him are probably not, while people who defend Cardinal Bernardin are probably homosexuals? Maybe. It's difficult to think of two men who are more different. Yes, they are both Homo sapiens who are priests and one of them is actually Catholic, but that's where any similarity ends. Cardinal Bernardin, while he was alive, maintained many controversial positions in terms of theology, liturgy and while acting as a pastor. The late Father Fiore maintains that the Cardinal was an active and predatory homosexual and the man who accused the Cardinal of abusing him, Mr. Cook, never retracted his statement about being one of the Cardinal's victims, even after receiving a chalice and a large cash settlement. [From Matt Abbott's
Another strange event pointing to the Cardinal's unsavory character occurred when one of his flock was murdered. A choir director named Frank Pellegirini, whose girlfriend maintains, was in a homosexual relationship with a man whom she says belonged to the "Chicago Boy's Club":..."
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Thanks for the link.
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