(6th Installation of Canonization of St. Pius X at Catholic Pictures)
“Having set our minds to remove everything that may in some way offend the Divine Majesty, We resolve to punish, above all and without indulgence, those things which, by the authority of the Sacred Scriptures or by most grievous examples, are most repugnant to God and elicit His wrath; that is, negligence in divine worship, ruinous simony, the crime of blasphemy, and the execrable libidinous vice against nature. For which faults peoples and nations are scourged by God, according to His just condemnation, with catastrophes, wars, famine and plagues. . . . Let the judges know that, if even after this, Our Constitution, they are negligent in punishing these crimes, they will be guilty of them at Divine Judgment and will also incur Our indignation. . . . If someone commits that nefarious crime against nature that caused divine wrath to be unleashed against the children of iniquity, he will be given over to the secular arm for punishment; and if he is a cleric, he will be subject to analogous punishment after having been stripped of all his degrees [of ecclesiastical dignity].” (St. Pius V in article about teaching of Church against Sodomy)
Sodomite Parade in front of St. John Lateran!:
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, because it is an abomination. . . . Defile not yourselves with any of these things with which all the nations have been defiled, which I will cast out before you, and with which the land is defiled: the abominations of which I will visit, that it may vomit out its inhabitants. . . . Beware then, lest in like manner, it vomit you also out, if you do the like things, as it vomited out the nation that was before you. Every soul that shall commit any of these abominations, shall perish from the midst of his people. . . . I am the Lord your God.” (Levi 18:22-30)
What precipatated this Post?:
Dr Qazi Rahman, a lecturer in cognitive biology at Queen Mary, University of London, said that he believed that these brain differences were laid down early in foetal development.
“As far as I’m concerned there is no argument any more – if you are gay, you are born gay,” he said.
The amygdala, he said, was important because of its role in “orientating”, or directing, the rest of the brain in response to an emotional stimulus – be it during the “fight or flight” response, or the presence of a potential mate. (Article on “Gay Brain”)
Response: So what? Every Human Being on this planet is attracted to some form of Sin. Whether or not there is a physical phenomenon to explain this is irrelevant. Known Example: Men with high Testostorone levels tend to exhibit higher levels of promiscuity, and violence. Does that decrease the culpability of their actions? If so, then we would need to release most of the prison population. I would not be suprised in the coming years if science eventually finds physical “proofs” for “voilence brain wrinkles”, or “greed genes”, etc.. Why so? Since when does Original Sin effect only the soul of man? Is not the body also groaning under sin? You have the answer every time you pass by a cemetary, hospital, or dentist office.
Homosexuals want their sin to be exempt, they want us to say their sin is not sin. They want us to call evil good. They have organized themselves, and are forcing Society to go along with it. Why don’t all pick-pockets get organized, and campaign against “anti-Thieve” sentiments. Create something called “Theiveaphobia”, and lambast all who disagree as biogots, hate-mongers, etc. We’ll have an annual ”Thief Pride Parade” down 5th Avenue!
Even if all Humanity lost it’s mind and it’s morals and acquiesced to the “normalization” of Sodomy it would still be Objectively wrong. Example: Imagine if all men in the world held hands , and simultaneously screamed out “Homosexuality is normal”, would it make it so? How about if they screamed out “The sky is green, and there are 2 Suns in the sky!”, would it change anything? We understand the word Objectively to be the view of God, right? He is the Only One who’s “opinion” matters. His “opinion” is reality, it’s what we live in. And, we know He considers this particular sin to be an Abomination. We are not doing the folks who suffer with same-sex attraction any favours by going along with the Organized Homosexual aganda. We’re just greasing the skids into The Exterior Darkness.
1 comment:
Bravo! I'm tweeting it now.
Temptation is no reason to relax morality.
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