Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A New Church? Dissenter umbrella group forms


California Catholic Daily (calcatholic.com/)

A coalition of dissenting organizations and individuals called the American Catholic Council forms.

SAN DIEGO (California Catholic Daily) - A coalition of dissenting organizations and individuals called the American Catholic Council are calling for “discussion at every level of the Catholic Church in the United States to consider the state and future of our Church.” The council plans to hold the council on June 10-11, 2011 (Pentecost), in Detroit...

We seek nothing short of a personal conversion of all to create a new Church, fully in tune with the authentic Gospel message, the teachings of our Church, and the American context in which we live.”

The website’s press release page contains one item: a release from “Voice of the Faithful.” The release is headlined: “Historic move for VOTF and U.S. Catholics--VOTF instrumental in launching American Catholic Council...”

’The way the Church is now is not the way it was meant to be,’ says John Hushon, a VOTF board member who serves as council’s co-chair. ‘The Gospels make it abundantly clear that Jesus envisioned a community that welcomes and encourages the gifts of all. The two-tiered clerical system that separates the ordained from the non-ordained was never meant to be, and it has caused enormous harm. Vatican II attempted to recapture the universal call to ministry, but this promise has not been fulfilled.’”

While the webpage and release avoid specific policy statements, they do mention those who have joined the organizing efforts, including Sr. Joan Chittister, whom is described as a “well-known author on issues of contemporary spirituality.” Chittister was the keynote speaker at Women's Ordination Conference in Dublin, Ireland in June, 2000. Another endorser is former priest Dr. Paul Lakeland, professor of Catholic Thought and Interreligious Dialogue at the (Jesuit) Fairfield University.

Dr. Lakeland was recently in the news for his public support of Connecticut bill 1098, introduced by homosexual activist state Senators Mike Lawlor and Andrew J. McDonald. Bill 1098 sought to use legislative means to restructure the governance of the Catholic Church in Connecticut. The bill was tabled after intense opposition. On March 10, 2009, the Catholic News Agency reported: “The bill, which bears resemblance to Voice of the Faithful’s Strategic Plan, is being supported by Dr. Paul Lakeland, who believes that in this case it’s appropriate to use state legislation to force the Church’s hand…


1 comment:

EddieL said...

"The way the Church is now is not the way it was meant to be"
But what way is it meant to be? What does Scripture say?
According to Scripture there are fundamental differences between Christ’s teaching in Scripture and Catholic Church teaching in the Catechism of the Catholic Church in relation to the following basic elements of Christianity:
1. The nature of God
2. The fall of Adam and Eve
3. The Kingdom of Heaven
4. Citizenship of the Kingdom of Heaven - Baptism
5. Citizen’s rights – the New Covenant
6. Government of the Kingdom of Heaven
7. Obligations
8. Eternal Life
9. The State versus the Kingdom of Heaven
For proof please read the following link:
