Monday, December 8, 2008

Father Steven Scheier on Mother Angelica Live


stchadwick said...

It took me a while to find a video copy of this episode but I was glad to finally locate and upload to I knew many people would enjoy it.

Vincenzo said...

Thank you!

Padre Steve said...

This was impressive to watch... thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wow--very powerful! You can tell he has true contrition for the twelve years he spent being a priest "for himself."

God has given him the grace to change--and a powerful testimony for us all to change our ways--before God has to "slap us upside the head" to get our attention.

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Hey, Vin, I've heard of this priest from a priest who catechized me but I never realized he was on Mother Angelica's show! Thanks for the clip posting.

With God, all things are possible.

Anonymous said...

If I were the Pope, I'd command every Cardinal, Bishop, Priest, Deacon, Nun, and all holy religious to watch this video.