Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Satanists Attack Virgin Mary: Sign Your Protest Against This Public Sacrilege

By John Ritchie

(TFP Student Action)  With Oklahoma City's apparent stamp of approval, satanists were granted permission to hold a public sacrilege in front of St. Joseph Old Cathedral on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2015.

Adam Daniels -- the same satanist who sponsored a public, satanic Black Mass in 2014 -- told The Oklahoman that he plans to pour costume blood over a statue of the Virgin Mary, treated with "sulfur powder and ash."

“The purpose of the blood," Daniels said, "is to add another layer of corruption to Mary, which is an emblem of the Catholic Church.”

 Click here to tell Oklahoma City to revoke its permit for this sacrilege

This public attack against the Mother of God on Christmas Eve is more than a morbid cry for media attention and should be called out for what it really is: religious persecution with City Hall approval.

The planned sacrilege is a direct sin of hatred against the Mother of God who is especially honored by Catholics in America under the title of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, patroness of the United States.

To dismiss this satanic desecration right in front of St. Joseph Old Cathedral as a simple publicity stunt is to ignore the grave nature of this public sin and its consequences for our nation as one nation under God.

The uptick of Satanism and its repeated attacks against the Faith are designed to desensitize average Americans towards evil and wear down the moral fibers of our beloved nation.  A "church" to Lucifer was recently opened in Texas.  Last year, satanists performed a public Black Mass in Oklahoma City.  And now there's this.  What will be next?

History shows us how this type of religious persecution can incite greater acts of persecution which may eventually turn into a full-blown bloody persecution of Christians.  Remember the Mexican Cristero martyrs of 1927.  Remember Spain's Red Terror of 1936-1939 which killed 13 bishops, 4,172 diocesan priests and seminarians, 2,364 monks and friars and 283 nuns.  And remember Dachau in the 1940s, the Nazi concentration camp where 1,034 Catholic priests were tortured and killed for the Faith.. (continued)

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